How to Order

Each sculpture is created one at a time and it usually takes six to eight weeks to create.  To start the process please call 800-925-7910 or 405-714-6253 and tell us what you are interested in.  There are no deposits and each sculpture will be shipped on approval after you have seen photos of the completed sculpture.  If you wish, we can send images of each step in the process so you can see all of the details of its creation.  

We are often asked to create one of a kind commissions. I prefer not to price them. I'll attempt to create a world-class sculpture for you and let you have it appraised by a gallery you trust (if you wish)and we will take 2/3 of the appraisal.

Art is very personal and we welcome your input.


Our prices start at $950 for the Desktop Rainbow. Several years ago all our work was sold through galleries. The Desktop Rainbow sold for $1350. When we started our business over 20 years ago the pricing formula for sculpture was pretty simple. The gallery received a third, the foundry received a third and the artist received a third.

In the last few years many galleries are wanting 40 per cent and a few are wanting half.

We made the decision to pull out of all the galleries and market our sculpture through our website. Please understand we love art galleries. We just couldn't survive the increased commissions.

The net result is that you have an opportunity to acquire a sculpture at 2/3 of gallery pricing. We don't ask for a deposit and will ship the sculpture on approval.

"You did a great job on the sculptures for our company’s museum. Hindsight’s always 20 / 20 and it’s obvious to me that we chose the best."
Jim Dawson, President
Zebco Corporation